“Jason“ Tseng meets the ball boys

Although eliminated in the qualifiers, the talented Taiwanese remained in Milan. To repay the hospitality, he underwent a nice “question time” with the ball boys.

Among the aspiring protagonists of the ASPRIA Tennis Cup – BCS Trophy there was also Chun-Hsin Tseng, the ex n.1 junior who had already landed in Milan last year for the Next Gen Finals. The Taiwanese is experiencing a very difficult 2023, in which he has lost around 200 positions. He didn’t go well at the ASPRIA Harbor Club either, where he lost in the qualifiers, but these days he’s stayed in Milan with his coach to refine his preparation and find his best form. “Jason”, as he is known in the industry, reciprocated the availability of the club by submitting himself to a brief question time with the ball boys , who asked him what his goals are (“Finding the top 100 again by the end of the year”), who his idol was (“Kei Nishikori, best Asian ever, I always wanted to become like him” ), his favorite shot (“The forehand, I love turning around the ball to show my speed and control the game”) and an advice to become like him (“Follow the advice of the teacher, have fun, work hard both on the pitch and out and set short- and long-term goals). Tseng’s hope, of course, is that these days outside Milan will help him get back in shape and return to the super player seen throughout 2022.
